Symmetry Principles in Many-Body Phenomena

Joint U.S. - Japan Seminar

In honor of Joseph N. Ginocchio's 60th Birthday

Honolulu, Hawaii, February 17 - 21, 1999

A. Baha Balantekin,,
Taka Otsuka,,

    International Advisory Committee:
A. Arima (Ministry of Science and Technology, Japan)
J. Ginocchio (Los Alamos)
W. Haxton (INT, Seattle)
F. Iachello (Yale)

Supported by University of Wisconsin-Madison, Institute for Nuclear Theory, and grants from U.S. National Science Foundation and Japan Society of Promotion of Science.

This small conference will be about implementation of symmetry principles in many-body phenomena. The main themes we expect to be covered in the seminar are: dynamical symmetry and supersymmetry in nuclear collective motion as described by the interacting boson model and its extensions; symmetry in electronic many-body systems including mesoscopic systems and micro-clusters; fundamental symmetries; chaos and broken symmetries, quantum integrable systems; utility of symmetry concepts in nuclei near the drip lines; symmetries of relativistic problems; and symmetries in the scattering theory.

A preliminary program is now available.

Hotel Information: The conference hotel is Hyatt Regency Waikiki. The hotel registration form should be mailed with a deposit for the first night as soon as possible. Please remember that the conference starts on February 17 before may flights arrive from the mainland U.S. Those of you who are arriving from the U.S. may wish to arrive late afternoon on February 16. The cut-off date to get rooms at $168 was January 16th. Please make your hotel reservation now if you have not already done so. Please make the reservation directly with the hotel using the form below and not through the Hyatt 800 number. An encapsulated postscript version of the form is available here . A PDF version of the form is available here .

For any questions please contact the conference coordinator at University of Wisconsin, Shelby Kuretsky either by E-mail ( or at (608)262-2281. Linda Vilett from the Institute of Nuclear Theory will also be helping with the conference. She is a native of Hawaii and will be happy to answer questions about the island and sites. Her E-mail address is

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Last modified 2 February 1999,